I wasn't sure whether to do a predictions post. After all, it's a losing battle. When you're right, everyone says it was an obvious call, and when you're wrong, they denounce you as an idiot. I'll save you the hassle — I'll bet most of these will be wrong, partly because I am an idiot but partly because the tech and business world is random, wild and weird. But, in the end, it's fun to plant your flag and see how long it stays there.
Here's to another mad (and maddening) year ahead.
Show notes:
These podcasts are read by the author, me, Stephen Moore, and give you, my lovely subscribers, another way to digest my newsletter.
This project is a work in progress — I hate recording myself, and it’s going to take some getting used too. It may take you time to get used to my monotone Scottish accent. Hey, you can only work with what you were given!
For now, as I find my feet, the podcast episodes are going to release the day after the newsletter goes live, and will be free for all subscribers for now. The eventual plan is to move this to a paid bonus for paid subscribers, but I’ll update you all in due course.
Let me know your thoughts. Suggestions for improvements — if friendly and constructive — are also welcome.
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